6 Simple Tips for Buying Shoes That Keep Your Feet Healthy

Posted by Heather Walker on

Despite the fact that our feet carry us around every day, we often stuff them into pointy, tiny, dead-flat or heeled shoes, until we reach our “middle age,” when all of a sudden our feet give up and we're forced into sneakers and comfort shoes for the rest of our lives. Our feet barely receive the attention that they deserve!

When you're just ready to replace some of your uncomfortable footwear, these tips can be handy:
  1. Wait until the afternoon to shop for shoes - your feet naturally expand with use during the day and may swell in hot weather.
  2. Have the salesperson measure both of your feet - and get measured every time you buy new shoes. If one foot is larger or wider than the other, buy a size that fits the larger foot.
  3. Wear the same type of socks that you intend to wear with the shoes.
  4. Stand in the shoes. Make sure you have at least a quarter- to a half-inch of space between your longest toe and the end of the shoe.
  5. Choose shoes that are comfortable for you. Sizes vary from one manufacturer to another. And no matter how comfortable an advertisement claims those shoes are, you're the real judge.
  6. Walk around in the shoes to determine how they feel. Is there enough room at the balls of the feet? Do the heels fit snugly, or do they pinch or slip off? Don't rationalize that the shoes just need to be "broken in" or that they'll stretch with time. Find shoes that fit from the start.

Always buy comfortable shoes to make your feet happy. Find out the best lightweight shoes online- like Skuze Shoes. Buying the right shoes is an investment in foot health.

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