Skuze Summertime Travel Tips

Posted by Chris Alflen on

Summer is great time to kick back, relax and explore new places with the people you love. Take the time to revel in unique foods, local festivals and markets, and some well-deserved rest and relaxation. Sounds great, right? But, we all know that travel is easier said than done. With that in mind, Skuze has put together some of our best tips for traveling throughout the summer months!

Let’s dive in.

Book Early and on the Right Day

According to studies, the best day to book air travel is on Tuesday. Why? Because that is when tickets are the cheapest; more so, if you are planning your travel at least three weeks in advance. This isn’t a failsafe rule by any means, but it might be a best practice that you want to incorporate when searching for the optimal flight. Additionally, the further ahead you plan your travel, the easier it will be to make sure you and your friends, family or other travel companions are seated together. This comes in especially handy when traveling with children.

Be Airport Ready

We all know how frustrating it can be to get stuck behind that person in airport security. The one who has for some reason decided to wear lace up knee high boots on the day of their travel and takes 10 minutes to unlace them before sending them through the X-ray machine. Don’t be that person. Wear shoes that are comfortable and can be slipped on and off easily.

It isn’t only getting through the security line comfortably you’ll want to worry about, though. Remember that during air travel, it is common for your feet to swell due to the air pressure and the lack of movement. You should wear shoes that are breathable and have some stretch to them to prevent any discomfort you may feel from said swelling. Nothing ruins that first day of vacation more than blisters and aching feet upon arrival.

Be Flexible

The only thing more unpredictable than thunderstorms in the summertime are the flight delays and even cancellations that accompany them. You could plan your entire itinerary down to the minute only to have one day of unexpected weather send your schedule into complete disarray. Do yourself a favor and leave a little room for error. Bring that new book you’ve been dying to read or download some movies in advance to entertain the kids when the unpredictable inevitably strikes. Often it is during these seemingly bothersome setbacks that we find ourselves considering new ideas we hadn’t been open to before. Go with the flow and don’t blame yourself for the inconveniences.

Enjoy It

You work hard all year long; whether it be in an office, as a sprouting entrepreneur, a long-time business owner, or getting your kids through the school year successfully - you have earned some time off. The last thing you want to be thinking about while you’re away is whether your pets or your belongings back home are well cared for and safe. If possible, ask a friend or someone you trust to do periodic checkups on your house or even look after your furry friends. If you get the newspaper delivered daily, have someone pick it up and hold on to it while you are away. The point is to ensure that your home doesn’t appear vacant. This will keep your mind at ease while you are away and let you focus on what’s important - enjoying your vacation!

Summer is a great time for friends and family alike to take a deep breath, enjoy one another’s company, and experience new places. Use these summertime travel tips to book your best vacation ever and try wearing some Skuze Shoes inspired by your favorite beach destinations to do it stylishly and comfortably.

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